Adding Products/Services via CSV

Product Migration in TFX Biz-Flow is a feature designed to facilitate the mass upload and update of product data using a CSV file. This function is ideal for businesses that need to manage large inventories, allowing for an efficient and error-free process to add or update products in bulk.

  1. Accessing Product Migration: To begin, click on the 'Manage' option located in the top navigation bar of your TFX Biz-Flow dashboard.

  2. From the dropdown menu, select 'Migration' to access the various data migration options.

  3. Choose 'Product Migration' to proceed to the product upload interface.

Preparing for CSV Upload

Downloading the CSV Sample File

  1. Sample File: Click on the 'Download CSV Sample File' link to download a template. This file will serve as a guide for how to structure your CSV for successful upload.

  2. Populating Your Data: Open the sample file in a spreadsheet program and populate it with your product data, ensuring you match the format exactly to avoid errors during the upload process.

Required CSV Data Fields

Your CSV file will need to include detailed columns for:

  • Product Name/Code: The unique identifier or name for each product.

  • Type: Specify if the entry is a product or a service.

  • Quantity: The amount of stock available for each product.

  • Price: The retail price of the product.

  • Unit Cost: The cost incurred to your business for the product.

  • Description: A brief outline or description of the product.

  • Category: The category under which the product falls.

  • Inventory Group: The group within your inventory to which the product is assigned.

Uploading Your CSV File

  1. Initiating the Upload: Once your CSV file is complete and saved, return to the Product Migration page.

  2. Click the 'Upload CSV File' button.

  3. Selecting Your File: Browse your computer to locate and select your prepared CSV file.

Finalizing the Migration

  1. Data Check: Upon upload, the Sell Module will perform a data check to confirm the integrity and format of the CSV file.

  2. Review: If errors are detected, you will be prompted to correct them in your CSV file and re-upload. If no errors are found, your product data will be queued for addition to the Product Master File.

  3. Confirmation: Once the upload is successful, you will receive a confirmation, and your products will be integrated into the Sell Module’s inventory system, ready for use in your sales and catalog management.

Last updated